Grammar Grappler #10: Don’t Get Flustrated with this Post

One of my speaking colleagues and I were having lunch with a new friend yesterday, and my new friend mentioned seeing the blog on “for all intents and purposes.” The conversation quickly turned to other mispronounced expressions, and we had quite a list going. This week’s word is perhaps one of my favorites because I had forgotten about it. It’s when people say “flustrated” instead of “frustrated.”

It’s not just children who get this one wrong. People tend to conflate “frustrated” with “flustered,” and they end up extremely “flustrated” about the entire situation.

We can be flustered.

We can get frustrated.

We just don’t need to get “flustrated.”

I jotted the other funny expressions we discussed on the back of my meal receipt. Which ones would you add to the list?



To customize a keynote or professional development session that will have your audience laughing and learning, contact Mandi Stanley.

Certified Speaking Professional Mandi Stanley works with business leaders who want to boost their professional image by becoming better speakers and writers through interactive high-content keynotes, breakout sessions, workshops, technical writing seminars, and fun proofreading classes. 

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Image by Daniela Dimitrova from PixabayUnsplash