Grammar Grappler #14: Deciding Between That and Which

Time for a quick pop quiz. Please choose the correct word for each of these sentences. Read more

Grammar Grappler #13: Windshield Wipers

During a recent lunch with a couple of speaking colleagues, I asked them about funny words and expressions they hear mispronounced. One of my friends admitted she had called “windshield wipers” something else for many years. She had been calling them “windshield swipers” until someone pulled her aside and politely pointed out the error of her ways. Read more

grammar tip

Grammar Grappler #10: Its and It’s and Its’

You will see this word written one of three ways:




How do we know when to use which one correctly? Even seasoned professional proofreaders can get in a hurry and miss this commonly confused and misused word. It’s not tricky when you use this quick and easy proofreading hack. Read more