Grammar Grappler #15: Let’s Go to Walmarts

It’s Walmart. 

My Mimi always said she was going to Walmartsand we loved to go with her because she let us grandchildren spend plenty of time picking out coveted items on the snack food aisle. 

On the way, we may have met some people traveling to Walmark—but it’s definitely Walmart with no space, no hyphen, and no pluralization.


To customize a keynote or professional development session that will have your audience laughing and learning, contact Mandi Stanley.

Certified Speaking Professional Mandi Stanley works with business leaders who want to boost their professional image by becoming better speakers and writers through interactive high-content keynotes, breakout sessions, workshops, technical writing seminars, and fun proofreading classes. 

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Photo by Fabio Bracht on Unsplash