Grammar for Grownups Top 10: A Blooper in the Society Pages


2024 Grammar-for-Grownups Top 10


Number 4: A Blooper in the Society Pages


In recent weeks, several readers have brought up one of my most cringe-worthy grammar peeves: using the incorrect subject-verb agreement with couple.


Couple should be treated as a singular noun. It is a collective noun. I’m afraid you’ll read it incorrectly in the society pages:


Following a honeymoon in Montana, the couple plan to reside in Jackson, Mississippi. 




The grammatically correct sentence is below:


Following a honeymoon in Montana, the couple plans to reside in Jackson, Mississippi.


These are correct agreements:


The couple plans

The couple has

The couple is


To customize a keynote or professional development session that will have your audience laughing and learning, contact Mandi Stanley.

Certified Speaking Professional Mandi Stanley works with business leaders who want to boost their professional image by becoming better speakers and writers through interactive high-content keynotes, breakout sessions, workshops, technical writing seminars, and fun proofreading classes. 

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