Toilets: Fun with Words Week 4

I play a game on social media with my extended family members called, “Where is Mandi this week?” I post a photo, and my family competes to see who can guess it first.

For fun, I thought I’d share this week’s photo with everyone. Look at this photo and then respond by answering where I was when I took this photo. Frequent flyers will recognize these airport signs. Scroll for the answer.









Every time I connect flights at this airport, these signs catch my eye. It’s the word “Toilets.” I get off the plane looking for the restrooms, and I’m always caught by the clear-cut abruptness of “Toilets.” 


It’s actually an example of plain language. It’s wise wording because it cuts to the essence of what we’re all looking for: toilets. Rather than post signs for the restrooms or the facilities or the men’s room or the ladies’ room or the family changing room, this airport clearly indicates toilets. 


Have you encountered any signs that catch your attention simply by the way they are worded? You are welcome to post photos in this thread.


And the answer: DFW.



To customize a keynote or professional development session that will have your audience laughing and learning, contact Mandi Stanley.

Certified Speaking Professional Mandi Stanley works with business leaders who want to boost their professional image by becoming better speakers and writers through interactive high-content keynotes, breakout sessions, workshops, technical writing seminars, and fun proofreading classes. 

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