Confident Christmas Cards: Answers to Apostrophe Pop Quiz

Last Wednesday we asked a series of pluralization questions regarding apostrophes and last names so we can sign off on our Christmas cards with confidence.

The correct answers are below. Next week I’ll publish the actual rules for pluralizing last names—even the tricky ones—but for now, check to see how many you answered correctly.


Happy Thanksgiving from the Stanley’s


Happy Thanksgiving from the Stanleys


Answer: the Stanleys


Merry Christmas from the Fortenberry’s


Merry Christmas from the Fortenberrys


Answer: the Fortenberrys


Happy Holidays from the Runnels’


Happy Holidays from the Runnelses


Answer: the Runnelses (I know, it looks weird)


Best wishes from the Tripoli’s


Best wishes from the Tripolis


Answer: the Tripolis


Love, the Salvos


Love, the Salvoes


Love, the Salvo’s


Answer: the Salvos


Again, we’ll publish the rules next week. Until then, please post your last name if you have questions about how to make it plural. We answered some tricky ones last week and look forward to more.



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Certified Speaking Professional Mandi Stanley works with business leaders who want to boost their professional image by becoming better speakers and writers through interactive high-content keynotes, breakout sessions, workshops, technical writing seminars, and fun proofreading classes. 

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Photo by Jonathan Borba from Pexels