Our theme in January is Keep Reading Alive in 2025!
In recent weeks I’ve shared several tips for achieving your reading goal this year.
SECRET ONE. I don’t watch a lot of tv.
SECRET TWO. I keep two books going at once.
SECRET THREE: Set up an account in Goodreads.
SECRET FOUR: Always keep a book in your car.
Allow me to post two final thoughts on reading.
Support your local library.
If you feel as if you are spending a fortune on new books—whether digital, audible, or from the bookstore—don’t forget your local library provides access to thousands of titles. And, if they don’t have the book you are looking for, they will happily get it for you. Last week my sister-in-law, Emily Garrigues Marett, reminded me how we can apply for nonresident library cards at other library systems for a small fee to get access to more plentiful digital options in libraries with bigger budgets.
Don’t be afraid to QUIT a book.
As someone who never quits anything, I find such freedom in this statement. I used to think if I started it, I had to finish it. However, this year I quit two books. They simply weren’t my cup of tea, and there wasn’t a single redeeming character in the pages of either one. I just couldn’t get into them, and I dreaded having to finish them. So—I didn’t. I’ll give a book six chapters, and if the pace hasn’t picked up by then, I give myself permission to put it aside without finishing it. (Not easy for me.)
What other ideas do you have for keeping reading alive in 2025?