Certified Speaking Professional Circle of Influencers

This is what it looks like to be surrounded by BRILLIANCE.

Today’s lunch with fellow professional speakers was a true joy and fuel for the soul. Our
Mississippi Circle of Speakers group gathers twice a year to share stories from the road,
refer business, and grow and learn from one another. And, whenever the opportunity
arises, I wholeheartedly recommend any of these speakers to my clients.

For instance, Dr. Sam Jones is a fellow certified speaking professional. Sam is my go-
to expert if someone calls looking for a speaker specializing in leadership, and his
flagship keynote is “Transformational Leadership: Discover, Develop and Drive for

Magician and mentalist Joe M. Turner wows corporate audiences with his “5 Kinds of
Amazing: Creating Amazing Experiences for Your Organization” keynote. In fact, I just
saw him present this program yesterday. Whenever a client is looking for conference
entertainment, I connect them with Joe. I mean, who else can turn a quarter into a bottle
of wine right before your eyes?

Standing to my other side is Dr. Lavon Gray, one of Mississippi’s three certified
speaking professionals. As president and CEO of Blue Hen Agency, Lavon specializes
in solving organizational conflict and is the author of the popular business book, “Never
Wrestle with Pigs.”

Marshall Ramsey is a Mississippi treasure. I recommend Marshall as the emcee for
any type of event, and his signature keynote is “Resilience: How to Reframe Bad
Moments into Victories.” What an encouraging topic for this day and time.

Gerard Braud in the snazzy seersucker suit is the speaker and workshop leader to call
for helping organizations protect their revenue, reputation, and brand. He shares five
steps for proactive crisis communication and tells some riveting horror stories in his
keynote “When IT Hits the Fan.”

Janie Walters and Dave Jesiolowski left before we snapped the group picture, and we
were missing Jennifer Ledet, Julie Laperouse, and Amanda Box today.

I wouldn’t be who I am today without the wisdom of certified speaking professional colleagues like these dear friends. Do you have a similar circle of influencers who inspire you?


To customize a keynote or professional development session that will have your audience laughing and learning, contact Mandi Stanley.

Certified Speaking Professional Mandi Stanley works with business leaders who want to boost their professional image by becoming better speakers and writers through interactive high-content keynotes, breakout sessions, workshops, technical writing seminars, and fun proofreading classes. 

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