Tag Archive for: grammar

Announcing Grammar Grapplers

We’re launching a new blog series this week: Grammar Grapplers. The reason I have been eagerly anticipating this new series? These questions have come directly from you. For six months, I have been collecting questions from our community of readers, and today we publish the first response. Read more

Prepare to Proofread with a Power Pack

Whether you are back at your regular desk or still working from the kitchen table, take a look around your current workstation. Are you prepared to do your best proofreading? Are your proofing props in place? What environmental changes will facilitate letter-perfect proofreading where you work? Read more

That’s a Whole “Nuther” Story

Twice this week I’ve heard professional speakers and broadcasters use the word “nuther.” But, I’m posting this blog today because for the first time I saw someone actually write it in a report: nuther. Read more

A Blooper in the Society Pages: “Couple”

In recent weeks, several readers have brought up one of my most cringe-worthy grammar peeves: using the incorrect subject-verb agreement with couple. Read more

Wacky Word Choice: Give My Regards to Broadway

Keep the “wacky words” coming! Thanks to all of you who have been commenting and adding to our wacky-word conversation these past few months. Please continue to post your questions and share your examples. This week’s winner is regard/regards. Read more

Are You Sprinting “Toward” the End Zone or “Towards” the End Zone

Keep the “wacky words” coming! Thanks to all of you who have been commenting and adding to our wacky-word conversation these past few weeks. Please continue to post your grammar, speaking, and punctuation questions and share your examples. This week’s winner is toward/towards. Read more

Bursting into Flames with This Week’s Wacky Word

Keep the “wacky words” coming! Thanks to all of you who have been commenting and adding to our wacky-word conversation these past few weeks. Please continue to post your questions and share your examples. This week’s winner is inflammable. Read more

Purge this Wacky Word from Your Vocabulary

Thanks to all of you who have been commenting and adding to our wacky-word conversation these past few weeks. Please continue to post your questions and share your examples. Meanwhile, get ready to purge this week’s wacky word from your vocabulary. See if you can spot the culprit in these sentences: Read more

Wacky Word Choice: Conversate or Converse?

Thanks to all of you who have been commenting and adding to our wacky-word conversation these past few weeks. Please continue to post your questions and share your examples. This week’s winner is conversate. Read more

Wacky Word Choice: Do You Go “Over” a Bridge?

Following virtual training sessions on Write It So They Read It: Technical Writing for Non-Technical Employees or Proof It! How To Be a Better Proofreader, participants send me questions about grammar and writing and punctuation they encounter at work. For the next four weeks, I’m reaching inside the figurative mailbag to answer questions from readers. Please tag me with your pesky punctuation or confusing word choice question, and I’ll be sure to answer. Read more