Public Service Announcement Regarding Apostrophes – Part 1 

By far, the most lively discussions that arise during my Grammar-for-Grownups seminars involve the amazing apostrophe and its role in pluralizing last names. Let’s see how you do on the same pop quiz I give the participants.


Which is grammatically correct? 


Merry Christmas from the Humphrey’s


Merry Christmas from the Humphreys


If you found that question easy to answer, then what about this one?


Happy Thanksgiving from the Lowery’s


Happy Thanksgiving from the Lowerys


Happy Thanksgiving from the Loweries


Which one of these is grammatically correct? (The last name is Blinkins.)


Happy Holidays from the Blinkins


Happy Holidays from the Blinkins’


Happy Holidays from the Blinkins’s


Happy Holidays from the Blinkinses


Two more.


Best wishes from the Marquez’s


Best wishes from the Marquezes


Thank you from the Carsello’s


Thank you from the Carsellos


Thank you from the Carselloes


This is a popular topic this time of year. Check the blog next Wednesday for the answers. 


To customize a keynote or professional development session that will have your audience laughing and learning, contact Mandi Stanley.

Certified Speaking Professional Mandi Stanley works with business leaders who want to boost their professional image by becoming better speakers and writers through interactive high-content keynotes, breakout sessions, workshops, technical writing seminars, and fun proofreading classes. 

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Photo by Castorly Stock