Grammar Grappler #20: Bring or Take?
Have you ever had the experience of talking with someone and knowing you’re about to use a word and then questioning yourself before it even comes out of your mouth? […]
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Mandi Stanley contributed 164 entries already.
Have you ever had the experience of talking with someone and knowing you’re about to use a word and then questioning yourself before it even comes out of your mouth? […]
Without fail, this question pops up in every Grammar-for-Grownups professional development class I facilitate. Oh, how I wish there were a simple gimmick to help us remember when to use […]
This confusing phrase pair was not even on my RADAR until a reader brought it up. And, when I found out what running the gauntlet really means, I was appalled. […]
When do you use bcc: appropriately?
What does cc: actually stand for when referring to emails?
It’s Walmart.
Time for a quick pop quiz. Please choose the correct word for each of these sentences.
During a recent lunch with a couple of speaking colleagues, I asked them about funny words and expressions they hear mispronounced. One of my friends admitted she had called “windshield […]
You will see this word written one of three ways: Its It’s Its’ How do we know when to use which one correctly? Even seasoned professional proofreaders can get in […]
One of my speaking colleagues and I were having lunch with a new friend yesterday, and my new friend mentioned seeing the blog on “for all intents and purposes.” The […]
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