I told you this before, but it bears repeating. You were absolutely outstanding! I speak for 300 people who truly appreciated what you did.
There’s a reason Duke Energy has brought you in to teach 140+ classes in the past five years: It’s because we see results and changes in our employees business writing and proofreading habits. On a personal note, as one of the participants in your recent Presentation Skills for Administrative Professionals class, what struck me is the story of how you designed an entire presentation while stuck in a traffic jam. For me that really drove home the importance of planning and preparation—and how we should never wait and just try to do a presentation ‘off the top of our head.’

From the feedback I received from attendees, I could not have been more pleased with the results of your program.
Every person who attended your event has bombarded me with positive comments about your training style, knowledge of the subject, and friendly manner. Thank you.
Your technical writing session was very well-received and provided practical advice for our attendees to put in practice immediately. We really appreciate your willingness to take on our first-ever video chat overtime session to continue your discussion.
The content and how it was presented exceeded the expectation of all those who attended. When I see someone who was there (34 people total), I almost always get a positive comment or a thank-you for bringing it into the region. More important, the writing skills of those who attended have improved. I could not think of a person more qualified to move that needle forward than you.
Our staff thoroughly enjoyed the proofreading seminar you delivered for the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Your energy level was great, and you have outstanding instructor skills.
We acquired some valuable tools that we are putting to work every day. What’s more, we all had a great time!
Our officers are still enthusiastically talking about the things they learned from you. Two people have reported that they have already put some of their new skills to work. You are a pleasure to work with, and your program was well executed.
There are no worries when you are our headliner!
You are so easy to work with.
As a result of your program, I saw instant improvement in the skills of our employees.
This one was worth every penny!
Our members laughed a lot and learned a lot, which is a perfect combination. We just can’t thank you enough for the wonderful and engaging presentation you did for PRAM: Mississippi Beach.

Your enthusiasm, knowledge, and energy toward business writing and grammar definitely impacts our company. To date we’ve brought you in to teach 21 classes, and our employees are approaching business writing in new and exciting ways. Your evaluations are great, and everyone thanks you for making business writing more enjoyable around here.

It is very rare that any speaker receives “5s” with our audience, so you did a wonderful job!
Being involved in a presentation by Mandi is like going to New York City…. No matter how many times you go, you see new things and you want to go again! My statement following my third time to be in a Mandi Stanley presentation.
I loved your presentation at the AOA Annual Conference in Sacramento, and I wish I had attended both of your sessions. I actually sat in the room next to yours during your first presentation and could hear the laughter through the walls! I had to check it out the following day. I am so glad I did.
Thank you for the great presentation you provided for our Supervisory Development Program. The high level of participation from some of our more ‘bashful’ employees was truly fun and exciting to watch. It was exactly what we were looking for.

The delegates learned from the content, which some have already started to implement in their daily operation. Your ability to reach the 21 participants was exceptional, and the skills you applied to keep us focused and attentive throughout the entire three hours are credits to your professional commitment to public speaking.
This group is cross-disciplinary, including Administrative Professionals from Fire, Police, EMS, and Sheriff’s Departments from across the state. Therefore, your ability to offer everyone something they can use was particularly valuable. Too often with cross-disciplinary training, we hit one or two constituent groups with relevant information, to the (unfortunate) exclusion of another group. That was CERTAINLY not the case with you! Thank you for delivering universally useful and practical content!
Thank you again for an awesome training. It has been two months, and I am still getting excellent feedback. We have even referred you to some colleagues at other centers. I’ll be in touch next week about booking future sessions.
Many of our members are already putting your good advice to work. I used your proofreading techniques on a proposal last week and couldn’t believe how much I caught by really focusing on the words. You’ve been a delight to work with. It left everyone wishing for more!
Brokers and agents alike commented at the luncheon and through personal calls afterward regarding how pleased they were with your presentation. The information you shared was relevant to all who attended and your enthusiasm excited the whole crowd. The Golden Triangle Association of REALTORS was thrilled to have you build our presentation skills! Thank you for kicking off our Speakers for the 2012 year. I’m not quite sure how I’ll find a speaker to follow the high standard you have set!

I looked around at the audience during your presentation, and you had every single person making direct eye contact and hanging onto every word you were imparting. That is hard to do! Thanks for making us all better.
In my 20 years of listening to a lot of great presentations, yours is certainly at the top. THE VERY TOP!! I have a ton of notes that will serve me well. Thanks for sharing so much helpful information and checking for understanding throughout the training.
I had an outstanding experience working with Mandi. She is an exceptional consultant who combines clear writing skills and attention to detail with a passion for creating engaging learning environments. It’s a winning combination that delivers a valuable outcome for Mandi’s clients and workshop participants.
Mandi Stanley is a brilliant, dynamic, and experienced ball of energy. Her presentations are unparalleled to others on this topic. DDS was fortunate to schedule Mandi to present, even more so due to the pandemic. More than 100 participants attended, with many claiming, ‘By far one of the best trainings I’ve ever attended!’ Her knowledge of the topic provided us with a solid understanding of what we needed to do or change to Write It So They Read It. I highly and eagerly recommend everyone to take advantage of her experience. Run—don’t walk—to take advantage of this opportunity.
We have been getting the most exciting feedback from the presentation and workshop you gave yesterday. Our scholars have not had that much fun in quite some time! From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for taking the time to meet with and speak to our scholars.
VIRTUAL LAUNCH DAY 2021 [CLOSING KEYNOTE]: I really enjoyed the presentation and appreciate the energy and enthusiasm you brought to our Launch Day, even virtually. It was a fantastic way to end the meeting!
Mandi has an engaging method of teaching that drove active participation and learning. Because of this, I’ve already seen impactful changes in email communications and presentation slides since the workshop. Our team has improved email by using a simple formula to write effective subject lines and by using bullet points in the body for concise and clear messages. I am also seeing PowerPoint slides constructed by using a simple rule for visibility, readability, and understanding. I’ve received great feedback from members wanting more time with Mandi and members already personally reaching out to her after the workshop.
Thank you again for a wonderful presentation. Everyone really enjoyed it, and I’ve gotten a lot of compliments. As a chamber director, there is nothing better than having an event that is a huge success.
Mandi Stanley Seminars, LLC
Post Office Box 1066
Madison, MS 39130-1066
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